Sunday, June 3, 2012

Reverse a Linked List Recursively and Iterately

struct ListNode {
    ListNode* next;
    int       data;

ListNode* reverseListResursive(ListNode* head) {

 if(head == NULL) return head;
 if((head->next)== NULL) return head;

 ListNode *newHead = reverseListResursive(head->next);
 head->next->next = head;
 head -> next = NULL;

 return newHead;

ListNode* reverseListNonResursive(ListNode* head) {

 if(head == NULL) return head;
 //if((head->next)== NULL) return head;

 ListNode *newHead = head;
 ListNode *tempNext = NULL;

 while(head) {
  newHead = head;
  head = head->next;
  newHead->next = tempNext;
  tempNext = newHead;

 return newHead;


Unknown said...

All recursive algorithms can be in iterate format.

asron lomanto said...

Keep sharing such a valuable information. Thanks..

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