Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cloud computing Books


Monday, December 12, 2011

The Boost C++ Libraries

 The Boost C++ Libraries


How to use Boost in Visual Studio 2010

  1. Unzip the latest version of boost (1.48.0 12/11/2011) into a directory of your choice (e.g. d:\boost_1_48_0).
  2. Create a new empty project in Visual Studio 2010.
  3. Open the Property Manager and expand one of the configuration for the platform of your choice.
  4. Select & right click Microsoft.Cpp..user, and select Properties to open the Property Page for edit.
  5. Select VC++ Directories on the left.
  6. Edit the Include Directories section to include the path to your boost source files.
  7. Repeat steps 3 - 6 for different platform of your choice if needed.

Boost Image Processing (GIL) http://stlab.adobe.com/gil/presentation/index.htm Boost Graph Library http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_48_0/libs/graph/doc/index.html

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Big Data --Petabyte

giga tera peta

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Pigs Get Fat, Hogs Get Slaughtered!

Pigs get fat, Hogs get slaughtered!

I love this proverb, it tells me the most important business rule.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

how to fit data into two probability density functions?

tic-tac-toe OOD design

How to post source code in blogspot


Correlation does not imply causation


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

smart_ptr vs weak_ptr


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Suffix tree



Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Rectangle overlap

From Crack a google interview lecture notes.

Describe an algorithm that takes an unsorted array of axis‐aligned rectangles and
returns any pair of rectangles that overlaps, if there is such a pair. Axis‐aligned
means that all the rectangle sides are either parallel or perpendicular to the x‐ and
y‐axis. You can assume that each rectangle object has two variables in it: the x‐y
coordinates of the upper‐left corner and the bottom‐right corner.

Good Answer:
1. Create a sorted array of the x coordinates of the left and right edges of
the rectangles.
2. Then, use a "scanline" to move from left to right through the
3. Keep a binary search tree containing the y coordinates of the top and
bottom edges of the rectangles that overlap the scanline.
     For each element of the array, check whether it is a left or right edge.
      -If it is a right edge, remove the corresponding top and bottom edges from the BST.
      -If it is a left edge, search the BST for rectangles that overlap the current rectangle;
                                   if there is one, return the overlap.

Then, add the y coordinates of the top and bottom edges of the rectangle to the BST.
The search takes O(n log n) time, since it takes O(n log n) time to sort the rectangles
and each of the 2n iterations takes O(log n) time.

Linear programming: maximal sum of subsequence

maxim_subsequence( int num_arr[]; int size)
  int sum=0;
  int sum_max = 0;

  for(int i=0; i
    sum +=num_arr[i];
      sum_max = sum;
   else if(sum<0) //sum will not contribute to new maximum subsequence.
  return sum_max;

Array rearranging algorithm

/*Suppose we have an array a1, a2, ..., an, b1, b2, ..., bn. Implement an algorithm to change
this array to a1, b1, a2, b2, ..., an, bn.*/ a1, b1   ok
a1, a2, b1, b2-> a1, a2<->b1, b2-> a1, b1, a2, b2 ok
a1,a2,a3,a4,b1,b2,b3,b4 -> a1 a2 (b1 b2), (a3,a4), b3, b4-> it becomes 2 subproblems of the above

//size of arr_num must be even number
void rearrange(int arr_num[], int p, int q)

if ( p == q || g == p+1) return;
int r = (q+p)/2;

//Exchange: (p+r)/2........r<----> r+1......(r+q)/2
for(int i = (p+r)/2; i
int temp= arr_num[i];
arr_num[r-1+i] = temp;

rearrange(arr_num, p, r);
rearrange(arr_num, r+1, q);


Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Bool moveForward()//向前走一格,走不了的话返回false
Void Rotate(int degree)//就是左拐右拐
Bool isClean()//当前单元格是否干净
Void clean()
把irobot 扔在屋子任意位置,写代码让irobot清理房间,每一格都要走过(单元格没有坐标)。

Stack and Queue

Can we implement a Queue using stack(s)?

Can we implement a minimum stack using stacks?

minimum stack has the following operation:
1. push, pop
2. get minimum.

What is a good OOD design answer?

1. Classes, subclasses.

2. relationship: is-a, has-a, 1->n, n->n

3. design pattern: singleton, observer, MVC.

4. flexible, extendable, reusable.

i.e. How to design a Parking lot?

Property of bitwise XOR

Can we prove?
number = number XOR number XOR number

This kind of property is useful some problems: odd man out.

Find Two Numbers in an Array that Sum to a Particular Value

//array of integer and a given value, a function to tell if the array contains 2 elements whose sum is equal to the value

bool is_sum_num( int num_arr[], int size, int sum)

quicksort(num_arr, size);
 //This part can be optimized in O(n).
 //Question for reader: how to do it? 
 for ( int i = 0; i

How can we check whether a BT is a BST?

const int MIN_VALUE = -50000;
const int MAX_VALUE = 50000;

bool isValidBST( node *root) {
return isvalidHelper(root, MIN_VALUE, MAX_VALUE);

bool isvalidHelper(node *root, int min, int max) {
  if(root == null) return true;
if ( root->value < min || !isvalidHelper(root->left, min, root->value)
return false;
if ( root->value > max || !isvalidHelper(root->right, root->value, max)
return false;

return true;


Monday, October 31, 2011

25 horses problem


把BT 同一层的sibling 连起来,constant 内存

struct Node {
    int value;
    Node *left;
    Node *right;
    Node *sibling; 

//把BT 同一层的sibling 连起来,constant 内存.
//                  1  -->null
//               /     \
//              2   -->  3  -->null
//            /       /    \
//          7     --> 8   -> 4  -->null
//开始没要求constant, 用queue记录每层的结点 O(n)即可. 后来要求constant,在提示下才搞定。
void connect_sibling( Node *root ) {
    root->sibling = null;
    Node *cur, *dummy;
    dummy = new Node;

    while( root ) {  //dummy->slibling是指向上次下一层的最左节点。
        cur = dummy;  //这样保证dummy->slibling总指向最左节点
        while( root ) {   // 找上一层的最右边节点, 假设当前层sibling已连好。

            if( root->left ) {
                cur->sibling = root->left;
                cur = root->left;

                cur->sibling = root->right;
                cur = root->right;

            root = root->sibling; //上一层的下一个姐妹,直到最右边。
        } //end of while second loop

        cur->sibling = null; //最右边下一层填空。
        root = dummy->sibling; //上层的右一个节点。
    delete dummy;

Sunday, October 30, 2011

TopCoder Tutorial


String permutation

// Stringpermutation.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;

void swap(char* a, char* b) 
 if (*a == *b ) return;

 char temp;
 temp = *a;
 *a = *b;
 *b = temp;

void permutate( char* Str, int index )
    int i = 0;
    if( index == strlen(Str)-1 )
       // We get a permutation, print it
        printf("%s \n",Str);

 permutate(Str, index+1);

    for( i = index+1; i < strlen(Str); i++ )

        int j;
        for( j = index;j < i;j++ )
            if( Str[j] == Str[i] )
          swap( Str+index, Str+i ); 
          permutate( Str, index + 1 );
          swap( Str+index, Str+i );


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
 char str[] = "Abc";
 permutate( str, 0 );

 char str2[] = "aabc";
 permutate( str2, 0 );

 char str3[] = "acadc";
 permutate( str3, 0 );

 return 0;

First nonrepeated character in a string

//First nonrepeated character in a string
char first_unique_char_in_string(const string a)
  //suppose string is composed of alphabets only ( a~z).
    unsigned char count[26];
    for(int i=0; i<26; i++) count[i] = 0; //initialize
    for(int i=0; i        count[a[i]-'a']++;
    for(int i=0; i        if(count[a[i]-'a']==1)
            return a[i];

    return -1; //no unique char.


Movie tickets problem

/* You have two movie tickets and want to invite a friend to watch movie
together. You can invite several friends simultaneously. Each one of them
independently has probability p to accept your invitation. How many friends
should you invite to maximize the probability that exactly one friend
accepts your invitation?*/

Suppose we invite n persons.
P=n*(1-p)^(n-1)*p   //independently, sum
f(n)=ln(P)=ln(n)+(n-1)ln(1-p)+ln(p)   //log
df/dn=1/n + ln(1-p) = 0   //derivative to get local max,
n = -1/ln(1-p) = 1/p;  when x-->0,  -ln(1-x) = x+x^2/2 + x^3/3 + ...

function to reverse digits of an integer

//Write a function to reverse digits of an integer. E.g. 456 --> 654, -7800 --> -87.
int ReverseDigits (int n){
    int ret = 0;
    while (n){
        ret = ret * 10 + n % 10;  //mod 10.
        n /= 10;  //div
    return ret;

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Efficiently remove duplicate white space from a string

void remove_duplicate_space(char *p)
    char *r=p, *w=p; //r: read, w: write
    while (*r != '\0') {
      if (*r!=' ' || *(w-1) != ' ')
      { *w = *r; w++; r++;}
    if (r!=w) *w = '\0';

Flood Fill

//白话文应该是: 下坡时把数进堆栈 (这样堆栈中最上元素是最小的,保存一个下坡序
int water(int * a, int n){
  stack > mystack;
  int water = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i    while(!mystack.empty() && mystack.top().second <= a[i]){ //上坡
      int bottom = mystack.top().second; //底
      if( mystack.empty())  //堆栈中只有一个元素,不能形成底。
      int top = mystack.top().second < a[i]?  mystack.top().second:  a[i];  //找到顶(次大数)

      int length = i - mystack.top().first - 1;  //长度
      water = water + (top-bottom)* length;  //填充
    }  //当前上坡处理完。
    mystack.push(make_pair(i, a[i]));  //下坡,进堆栈。

  return water;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    int value[10] = {5,5,1,7,1,1,5,2,7,6};

    int result=0;

    cout << result;

    result = water(value, 10);
    cout << result;

    return 0;

lambda function in C++0x

Lambda function in C++0x

1. Simplify code. good for simple predicate (i.e. a condition check);
[](//input parameters){ //lambda function body}

2. Anonymous call, function to be defined at the point it is needed.

3. Lambda function can only use global variable and passed parameters, just as a math function, i.e.
sin, cos, pow etc.

4. No local variable in the containing scope, special capture operation has to be defined, if you want to
use the local variables, i.e. [=] by value, [&] by reference.

Friday, October 28, 2011

C++ const: why and how-- a really messy feature

I was even asked during a job interview, const keyword can be put in 5 places, make it 5 meanings, pls refer to: http://duramecho.com/ComputerInformation/WhyHowCppConst.html

Friday, September 23, 2011

A nice data mining course handout

recommendation system, pagerank, mapreduce etc: http://i.stanford.edu/~ullman/mining/2009/index.html

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Who is the greatest inventor ever since?

Someone asked me: who is the greatest scientist?
A name comes to my mind: Thomas Edison.
What's his contribution? I am asking myself. Light Bulb?
He has 1093 granted patents around the world (he applied much more than that).
Finally I see, his biggest invention is to massively produce patents/inventions.

Forming industrial lab to massively produce patents/inventions just
as his friend Henry Ford did to form a streamline to massively produce

Sunday, September 4, 2011

C++ 11 (C++0x ) concurrency

the most important addition to C++11 is concurrency, here is an introduction


an early book: C++ concurrency in Action.

The Biggest Changes in C++11 (and Why You Should Care):

C++11 - the recently approved new ISO C++ standard


Friday, September 2, 2011


Trie has wide application in "words": suggestion system,
phone book, spell check etc.


A lot of people was asked about Trie during interviews:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Point Cloud Library


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

OpenKinect, OpenNI, and Skeleton Tracking

The image is from:


Open Natural Interface:

Human Pose Estimation from a Depth Sensor

Kinect for xbox360 spawn point:

Kinect for Xbox 360: The inside story of Microsoft's secret 'Project Natal'

Key Kinect Technology Devised in Cambridge Lab

Research Papers:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Sunday, June 12, 2011

What's in the Microsoft XBox Kinect?

1. a video camera;
2. a scanning infra-red laser, the most interesting part; The kinect infra-red laserappears to project an infrared dot pattern all over the room:http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif

3. an infra-red camera;
patent: US20100118123 which explains how the 3D reconstruction works. The dots are grouped into sub-patterns, these patterns decrease in size with the distance. The 3x3 check board with different gray levels is used to calibrate the environment illumination.

(3x3 matrix of little dots with a reference dot in the middle of each matrix square. 3D is determined by the displacement of these dots, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjYoNx-4KrU)


IR Modded Canon Powershot A540 looks at Kinect IR output

You can see the check box pattern difference as the board moves far away from the IR emitter.

4. a motorized tilt mechanism;
5. a noise canceling microphone system: 4 mics in an array: one on the left, three on the right.

Hack Xbox Kinect:


kinect sdk will be released by MSR this summer.



Kinect™ for Xbox 360: Technology + Two Applications


Saturday, June 11, 2011

machine vision one person startup

Two completely technological background guy's one person startup:





Friday, April 15, 2011






母亲这一生最引以为傲的就是她的两个孩子,虽然家里很穷, 却养育了两个博士,这





Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Technical Report< Paper < Patent < Project < Product

Technical Report< Paper < Patent < Project < Product